索尼克 3 暗影毛绒玩具
Shadow 是 Sonic 凶猛而神秘的敌人,他不会让任何东西阻挡他的去路!这款充满动感的 Shadow 毛绒玩具首次亮相 Build-A-Bear — 恰逢《刺猬索尼克 3》的上映!粉丝们一定会喜欢他红黑相间的尖刺皮毛和脚上的官方电影标志。赶快行动起来,将 Shadow 添加到您的 Sonic 收藏中吧!
© 2025 派拉蒙影业公司和世嘉美国公司。保留所有权利。

he is the cutest little guy ever i’m not even joking when i say that i bring him with me EVERYWHERE. 20 years old and carrying shadow around in my messenger bag. life is amazing.
Amazing, super soft and very high quality. Amazing plush, I am so lucky to have him. Perfect plush!
I got him in perfect condition and even dressed him up!
What’s with all these reviews tho? Are people getting scammed??
Please! Please! Please Restock!!! I didn’t know there would be a shadow plush from Build a Bear, and I missed my chance to get one. Also, resellers are so greedy and I refuse to buy it from them for $350(+).