Cafe Cinnamon 的官方吉祥物正在 Build-A-Bear 毛绒玩具中首次亮相!Cinnamoroll 是一只可爱的小狗,它的名字来自它卷曲的、类似肉桂卷的尾巴。这只害羞但友好的小狗还以它那大而松软的耳朵而闻名,这只耳朵可以帮助它在空中飞行!我们的 Cinnamoroll 毛绒玩具有着超柔软的白色皮毛,左爪垫上有官方的 Cinnamoroll 标志。
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My daughter really loves build a bear sea sweeps with it every night
My daughter is going to love it, I cannot believe I managed to get it.
Beautiful Toy
I love the quality, and he's so soft. he's so cute, especially with the matching sleeper outfit
Came in old box with old box residue on him, and both eyes plastic has been scratched. One eye scratched that leaves very visible black mark. Very not happy about that. Otherwise the plush is great quality considering that the quality of build a bear bears have really gone down hill in the past couple years