神秘博士 第十四任博士钻石周年纪念熊 - 网上独家
太幸运了!我们的《神秘博士》第十四任博士钻石周年纪念熊已经到货,正好赶上庆祝这部标志性系列 60 周年!这款《神秘博士》毛绒玩具带有纪念心形和爪垫,以纪念《神秘博士》的钻石周年纪念。
这是粉丝和收藏家庆祝《神秘博士》 60 周年的绝妙方式!
BBC、DOCTOR WHO 和 TARDIS 是英国广播公司的商标,经授权使用。BBC 徽标 © BBC 1996。DOCTOR WHO 徽标 © BBC 1973。由 BBC Studios 授权。
查看完整详细信息Have wanted one of these for years but the postage from overseas was more than the bear. Randomly had a look and OMG there's an Australian site now. Had him ordered within minutes
This is the cutest bear and so cool
In his brainy specs.
Not delivered yet sorry I made a mistake
Can’t give review
The bear is so fluffy, absolutely love him! If you love doctor who then I definitely recommend this bear, the only thing that isn't good is that the box came a bit dented but the bear was fine so I don't really care.
Love it so much